TSEZ will organize very first running event to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for the communities around TSEZ and to develop engagement in societies of community. The race will see two categories – 10KM and 5KM and everybody in the community can participate.
The race will be held on November 3rd (Sunday), 6:00 am at the Thilawa Special Economic Zone’s main gate. For 10 KM challenge, the prizes are 500,000 MMK worth products for 1st prize, 300,000 MMK worth products for 2nd prize, 200,000 MMK worth products for 3rd prizes and for 5 KM challenge, 300,000 MMK worth products for 1st prize, 200,000 MMK worth products for 2nd prize, 75,000 MMK worth products for 3rd prize and other 2 consolation prize respectively.
All TSEZ Participants must submit their registration through the MJTD office and Village/ Ward Administrative Offices of Shwe Pyi Thar Yar, Aye Mya Thida, Nyaung Waing, Thida Myaing, Shwe Pyouk, A Lun Sout, Let Yet San , Hpa Yar Gone, MJTD website or TSEZ Facebook. For online registration, participants can submit to communityrelation@mjtd.com.mm together with the proof of bank transfer of registration fees.
Registration fees for each participant is 2000 MMK and for those who make online registration, registration fees must be transferred to CB Bank Account No.0106100500000035 of Myanmar Japan Thilawa Development Limited.
For more detail, everyone can reach out in below link and can download the registration form also.